The Pensjonat Dychów is located on the Zielona Góra-Gubin highway, close to the western border. Guests can choose single or double room with air conditioning. The rooms are equipped with refrigerator, satellite TV, radio and telephone.
The hotel also boasts a covered swimming pool, a power gym, a sauna, a solarium and a fitness room. Equally one can relax with game of billiards. The Guest Center can offer an 18-hole mini-golf course, tennis court and basket ball court, the modern surface of which ensures a very comfortable and safe game.
The surrounding woods give us the opportunity to organize hunts, picnics, mushroom collection and rides on horse-drawn carriage on horse back. Moreover, being located in the immediate neighborhood of reservoirs creates a healthy microclimate and attractive cycle paths and walks.

Hotel homepage (only in Polish and German: http://www.dychow.hotel.pl)

Dychów at night

Dychów in the map
Dychów in the map


DESDes'01, UZ, IIE